My son Zachary was born in January of this year, 12 days past his due date. Aside from that and a false positive prenatal screening test, my pregnancy was pretty uneventful though once I reached and passed my due date, the novelty of being pregnant wore off and I was totally ready to have my baby.
Even though I didn’t actually intend to induce my own labor, using my breast pump two days before my scheduled induction at the 42 week mark was the thing that finally got my labor started – in fact, looking back I honestly don’t think I would have gone into spontaneous labor otherwise. My pregnancy wound up almost going to 42 weeks but not quite.
This is the story of my son’s birth – exactly as I remember it and with bits and pieces of footage. My labor didn’t go according to my birth plan – my original intention was to have a natural birth – without the use of an epidural or pitocin or any other medical interventions. Going back, I wouldn’t change a thing. In the end I wound up with a beautiful, healthy baby boy and I also recovered from labor and giving birth as normal.
Some things referenced in the video:
Article sent to me by my doulas about due dates
Contractions apps (or you can just search your phone’s app store):